So, my mom got me and my family into this German club. It includes many German immigrants that seek to keep their culture alive while still living in America. Anyway, I went there to make a statement about global warming.
In German: "Hallo! Viele kennen mich noch von lezten mal, als Ich mit meiner Familie war zu Weinachten. Ich heisse Obi. Jedenfals, die die es noch nicht wissen, schreckliche sachen passieren mit unsere welt. Globaler Temperaturanstieg ist momentan tätig in vielen plaetzen um der welt. Ich will das alle darauf auf-merksam sind, und alles machen um probieren das zu verbieten. Es sind viele sachen die wir machen koennen. Die groesste, ist dinge verwerten, und Wasser konservieren. Ich dank euch fuer eure zeit."
Translated to English: "Hello! Many still know me from last time, when my family came here for the Christmas party. My name's obi. Anyway, those that are not aware, terrible things are happening to our world. Global warming is currently active in many places around the world. I want to make sure everyone's aware of this, and that you are doing everything to prohibit the further spread of the global warming. There are many things that we can do. The biggest is recycling recyclable items, and conserving water. Thank you for your time."
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
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